Guitarfish Project’s first expedition to Cyprus 

Guitarfish Project’s first expedition to Cyprus 
Guitarfish Project's first expedition to Cyprus collaboration between the Apex Marine Predator lab of The Morris Kahn Marine Research Station, MER research institute , and ISea , funded by the Blue Marine Foundation executed a seven-day expedition to Larnaca in Cyprus.Sightings of blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) neonates from both the Israeli and Cypriot coastal waters brought the two research teams together to better understand the biology and population connectivity of this critically endangered species in…

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Physeter macrocephalus

Physeter macrocephalus

The largest-toothed whale. The Mediterranean population is thought to include fewer than 2,500 mature individuals that face numerous threats and are in decline. They are known to inhabit offshore and continental-slope waters, foraging almost exclusively on squids. There have been Anecdotal reports of sperm whales to the north of the Israeli EEZ on social media, but their distribution is still unknown in our region. Deep sea acoustic surveys started in…

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Delphinus delphis

Read more about the article Delphinus delphis

The common dolphin population inhabits the southern region of the coastline. They are mainly observed in the coastal waters off Ashdod and Ashkelon, at water depths of 15-30 meters. Data collection started in 2016 when the group included up to 37 mature individuals, though since 2020 only the same 15 adults have been observed. Overall, 64 individuals have been documented. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species the…

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Tursiops truncatus

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The bottlenose dolphin population inhabits the entire coastline, mainly observed between bottom depths of 30-60 meters. Since 2005, when data collection began, 396 individuals have been documented. The local population's body size is relatively small, and their diet is mainly composed of fish. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species the Mediterranean population is listed as “least concern.” Tursiops truncatus Adi First seen: 2000, Last seen: 2016, area:…

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The Israeli Dolphins and whales’ catalogue

The Israeli dolphins and whales' catalogue collates data from our surveys since 2005 when digital cameras were incorporated into our protocols in Israel. Dolphins are classified as residents when they have been sighted on five or more occasions. Visitors are classified as being sighted less than five times.The study area is divided into three regions- North (N), from the Israeli-Lebanon maritime border to Hof-HaCarmel; Centre (C), from Hof-HaCarmel to Palmachim; and…

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We are looking for you for an M.Sc./Ph.D. project

We are looking for you for an M.Sc./Ph.D. project
We are looking for you for an M.Sc./Ph.D. project

Chasing a storm!   at the Water chemistry lab“The effect of major storms on the base of the food-web in the East Mediterranean Sea”The effect of extreme climatic events on oligotrophic ocean ecosystems is an important area of research, particularly with predictions of climate warming and increased storm frequency and intensity.The aim of this project is to characterize the nutrient dynamics and biogeochemical changes before, during and after major winter storms.…

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