Dolphin Catalogue

Dolphin Catalogue

This catalogue is a collection of uniquely identified bottlenose dolphin dorsal fin photos from the Israeli population. The following information is indicated for each dolphin: first and last sighting, area (S=South, C=central, N=North), sex if known, and other essential information.

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Tal Zvi – Kedem

tal zvi - kedem
tal zvi - kedem

PhD CandidateBacterial populations Facebook Twitter Linkedin Tal.zvi.kedem@gmail.comProject: Deep sea Bacteria at Hydrocarbon rich Cold seeps.Academic EducationTowards a Ph.D. in marine biology at the Faculty of Marine Sciences at the University of Haifa. Research on deep sea microorganisms. Led by Prof. Dan TChernov and Dr. Maxim Robin Blum (ILOR).Haifa University's M.Sc. in Marine Biology at the Faculty of Marine Sciences. Characterization of bacterial populations in sediment under anthropogenic influences. Led by…

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Kim Kobo 

kim kobo
kim kobo

Ms.c. Candidate   Facebook BSc – Marine Biology, Ruppin Academic Center (Michmoret), Israel (2018-2021)MSc student since 2022 Current Research: In her MSc, she aims to examine factors influencing female reproductive success for the Israeli common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population and assess bottom-trawler fisheries' influence on reproductive success. Establishing baseline life history parameters is of paramount importance to identify the viability of the population and formulate adequate conservation measures.

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Dr. Nadav Davidovich

Nadav Davidovich
Nadav Davidovich

Academic Education:2020-Present  -   Ph.D. candidate, Department of Marine Biology, The Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa.2015-2019   - Specialization in Fish Medicine (Israeli specialization).2014-2016  -  Master of Veterinary Public Health, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.2004-2010  -   Veterinary Medicine, Pisa University, Italy.Thesis Topic: The Effects of Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC) on Growth and Performance of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Background:Nadav has started her Ph.D. with Professor Dani Tchernov, and…

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Dr. Yaron Bogin

Dr. Yaron Bogin
Dr. Yaron Bogin

Head of blue technologies and sustainable agriculture sector Facebook Linkedin Academic Education:B.A - Psychology and east asian studies - Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1996-2000)B.Sc - Life Sciences - Tel Aviv University (2001-2003)PhD - Biomedical Studies - Technion (2003-2009)Background:Yaron is passionate about connecting people and raising funds for accelerating impactful technological innovations, from idea to market. Yaron gained over 10 years of experience in developing and commercializing innovative medtech and foodtech…

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Dr. Eli Shemesh

Dr. Eli Shemesh
Eli Shemesh

Dan Tchernov's laboratory manager Linkedin Academic Education:2005-2010: 2005-2010: Ph.D. studies at Dr. Oren Levi Molecular marine ecology laboratory at Life sciences faculty, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. Thesis subject:”The circadian clock genes of Stony Corals”.2003-2005: Ms.C. Studies at Prof. Yair Achituv Laboratory at the Life sciences faculty, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. Thesis subject: ”The Eastern Atlantic & Mediterranean Chthamalids Chthamalus stellatus, Chthamalus montagui and Euraphia depressa”.2000-2003: Bs.C. In Biology at Bar-Ilan University,…

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Yotam Eldar Zuriel

Yotam Eldar Zuriel
Yotam Zuriel

Ph.D CandidateApex predators Facebook Linkedin Project:Space and resource partitioning of the two coastal dolphins present in the southern Israeli Mediterranean coastAcademic Education:BSc – Marine Biology, Ruppin Academic Center (Michmoret), Israel  (2007-2010)M.A – Department of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa, Israel (2018-2020)Background:Yotam has started his Ph.D. with  Prof. Dan Tchernov, Dr. Aviad Scheinin and Dr. Dan Kerem as part of the top predators laboratory at the station. During his Masters,…

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Dr. Tal Luzzatto Knaan

Tal Luzzatto
Tal Luzzatto

Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for MetabolomicsFunctional Metabolomics and Marine Natural Products LabDepartment of Marine Biology,The Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel, Morris Kahn Marine Research Station Facebook Twitter Linkedin Phone: +972-4-8249349 | Email: 270/2, Multipurpose BuildingHaifa 199 Aba Koushy Ave., Mount Carmel Haifa 3498838, IsraelURL for web site:       Ph.D Biochemistry. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel2007      M.Sc Biotechnology. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel2004      B.Sc Biotechnology…

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Eitan Newman

Eitan newman
Eitan newman

Ms.c. CandidateApex predator team  Facebook Academic Education:BSc – Marine Biology, Ruppin Academic Center (Michmoret),Israel (2017-2021)Background:Eitan has several years of experience as a professional at sea, initially as a scuba diving instructor and later as a sailor and a sailing instructor. These expertise made him a good candidate to continue the mission of Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) that has been taking place since 2019 collecting ecological and biological parameters of the pelagic…

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Ole Sørensen

Ole Sørensen
Ole Sørensen

PhD Candidate  Facebook Academic Education:BSc – Aquaculture and Fisheries Science, Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway (2013-2016).MSc – Marine Resource Management, Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway (2016-2019)PhD – Marine Biology, University of Haifa, Israel (2021-current) Background:Ole grew up in a small sailing and fishing village on the south coast of Norway, where most of the summer days were spent foraging oysters, fishing, diving, boating, and later on working at the local fishmonger.…

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