Coastal dolphins - passive acoustic monitoring

Survey data

Presence/absence data of toothed whales or dolphins along Israel’s Mediterranean coast. Acoustic receivers (C-pod/F) were moored in the north ( Nahariya was later relocated to Achziv), center (Dor & Poleg), and south (Ashkelon) regions on top of the “sea guard” shipwreck, at water depths of 20m that later relocated to 45m, 45m & 20m, and 27m, respectively. In addition, both fish farms in Michmoret and Ashdod were monitored, in water depths of 36m and 80m, respectively. After the Ashdod fish farm was closed in 2022, it was relocated to the rocky reef 30 m depth (Ashdod), the Michmoret fish farm sampling point was closed in 2022 and the Ashkelon sampling point was relocated to a rocky reef at 30 m depth. Presence is provided as detection positive minutes (DPM) and the total (unfiltered) number of clicks as null values. Minson indicates whether the C/F-pod was recording during the time of detection.

a link to an article published recently on the data can be found here:

Contact us

For more information and assistance on this data, please contact:

Aviad Scheinin


If you find the data usefull and use it for presentation or else, please credit us with a link to our site as follows:

Data from the Morris Kahn marine Research Station: