Know the oceans

know our oceans
know our oceans

Beit Hana Sanesh in Kibbutz Sdot Yam and the Charni School of Marine Sciences at the University of Haifa invite the general public to a new venture:A series of lectures open to the general public in which researchers from the School of Marine Sciences will present the best of contemporary research in a wide variety of fields.The first meeting will take place on January 9, 25 at 7:00 PM at…

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Shark tagging season 24-25

We’re thrilled to announce the official opening of Shark Tagging Season 2024-2025 at the Morris Kahn Marine Research Station! On 17.11.2024, our team successfully tagged and released our first shark of the season - a female dusky, 2.6 m! She was in early stages of pregnancy and we look forward to analysing the samples to understand her health status and see where she goes via our acoustic receiver array along the shores of…

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Trigons on the BROV

During his research, Ole’s BRUV captured footage of a guitarfish at a depth of 35 meters, as seen in the video. He was able to assess its total length, which measured 80 cm. Although species identification isn’t conclusive from this short clip, this sighting is valuable to Eynav , a PhD student in the Apex Predators Lab led by Aviad , who focuses on the genetic connectivity and population structure of a specific guitarfish species, Glaucostegus cemiculus, in the eastern Mediterranean basin.

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Summarizing Guitarfish season 2023

Summarizing Guitarfish season 2023
Summarizing Guitarfish season 2023

Summarizing Guitarfish season 2023We are very pleased to finish the 2023 G. cemiculus (Blackchin guitarfish) season with 107 neonates measured, tagged, and sampled along both the Israeli and Cypriot coastline. Blackchin neonates are most prevalent from the end of August to the beginning of November in what is referred to as 'hot spots'.Thanks to a collaboration with Blue Marine Foundation and MER Research Institute  we organized a research expedition in…

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Guitarfish Project’s first expedition to Cyprus 

Guitarfish Project’s first expedition to Cyprus 
Guitarfish Project's first expedition to Cyprus collaboration between the Apex Marine Predator lab of The Morris Kahn Marine Research Station, MER research institute , and ISea , funded by the Blue Marine Foundation executed a seven-day expedition to Larnaca in Cyprus.Sightings of blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) neonates from both the Israeli and Cypriot coastal waters brought the two research teams together to better understand the biology and population connectivity of this critically endangered species in…

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