Accobams aerial survey

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The ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative is a first-ever, international effort to scan the entire Mediterranean Sea for marine fauna populations using designated ships and aircraft. 

The ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative is a first-ever, international effort to scan the entire Mediterranean Sea for marine fauna populations using designated ships and aircraft. Target species of the survey include marine mammals, billfish and sharks, seabirds, and other surfacing animals including jellyfish and sea-turtles.  In May 2018, two scientists of the Israel Marine Mammal Research and Assistance Center (IMMRAC) and the Morris Kahn Marine Research Station (MKMRS) of the University of Haifa, Dr Aviad Scheinin and Eyal Bigal, were invited to participate in the ACCOBAMS preparatory workshop held in Cuers, France, to establish baseline protocols for the whole-Mediterranean survey; in July 2018, the Israeli block was sampled throughout five hours of flight, during which a pod of 6 Ziphius whales was observed at surface rest. Unfortunately, heavy loads of litter were registered as well.  

Accobams Israel

The Mediterranean marine space of Israel was announced by the IUCN as an important marine mammal area (IMMA) for the bottlenose and common dolphins. Nevertheless, Israel is not a member country of the ACCOBAMS agreement. It is hoped that first data from this region, obtained in this as well as other similar surveys, will contribute to the protection of marine life and to better management of natural resources at hand.

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